How come my iphone shows 3G and has the carrier on the top left as well as the phone number, but I can't seem to connect to the internet or? - 1

Make calls. Why is that? Did my father cancel my line or use any parental controls or what?

Try restarting the phone, re insert the sim card.

When I have 3G signal I can barely go online, I can still call and text though. Unless I have an LTE signal it sucks.

What do you people not understand? 3G is NOT data. 3G is simply only for things such as sending texts and making phone calls. You can do some web browsing, but really nothing other than that. 4G [also called LTE] is what data is used for.
And it most likely means you are not in a coverage area if your phone is showing 3G.

If you think it is your father, then that would be for you to check.

Could also check with your carrier to see if there are any issues as well as checking your phone to see if any issues are there as well.

Your carrier plan may not provide mobile internet or may not provide it over 3G.

If you can't not make phone calls go to your operator