How did people exist in 2005 before iPhones and Wi-Fi / internet phones?

How did people exist in 2005 before iPhones and Wi-Fi / internet phones?

They interacted.

I used a desktop computer with a cable modem back then

In actual TRUTH, we were better off without them ----------------------- Thank you!

People actually talked to each other and got out of the Gawdamed house.

There was internet on computers. People used computers for the things that they use smart phones for. There were Blackberry's that had some rudimentary browsing.

They didn't, actually. The idea that people existed before then is a clever lie formulated by the CIA. All the evidence of the contrary is, again, their doing. Despite people claiming to have been born before 2005, no such people exist. Anyone claiming to be born before 2005 can be assumed to be a CIA agent- even if they don't know it. All it takes is a certain phrase to awaken a sleeper agent.

They'll get me for this.

Staring at the ceiling

People were much happier then they are now. This is the most depressed generation that has ever existed.

We didn't and I know cuz I was THERE!

They did exist and they laughed and talked and were happy…

We got by just fine and were much less distracted. I was in college when I got my first cell phone.