How do i break my phone for this?

I cracked my screen on my iphone X and i don't want to pay to have it replaced and it's still covered with warranty for mechanical failure so i want to break it and make it look like it broke by itself so i can get a new one

A cracked screen doesn't sound like a mechanical failure and wouldn't be something covered under most warranties.

You don't, its better to be honest

That's what Larry Silverstein and bush said on 9/11 I suppose.

Dumbass… Mechanical failure does not mean a broken screen.

Phone techs are pretty good at telling what is faked. Don't lie.

Here's the problem, with a cracked screen, they are still going to test the phone to make sure it works. Any warranty issue, will be blamed on you dropping the phone. So unless Apple repairs the broken screen, you are up the creek without a paddle.

Yeah you'll never convince them that an iPhone screen broke by itself.

Don't ask us to help you commit FRAUD.

I think it's not good to do bad

You insurance most like covers the broken screen as that is a technical failure. Accidentally drop out of your pocket.

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