How to get a new Itunes account?

I was on my step moms itunes account and she keeps changing the password just to mess with me. By this point i'm fed up. I wanna completely log out of her account and get my own. My Itunes is logged out of hers but the songs, apps, ect are still there. I have a IPhone and i want it on my own account also. So how would i do all that?

Honestly I don't think you can transfer songs and apps from one account to another. I used to use my mom's iTunes account too. I do know though that you can keep the apps and songs on your iPhone when you switch accounts. I have a combination of apps from my mom's account and from mine. If you need to update apps, (I'm not sure if this is a glitch or not) but if most of the apps are yours, it will only ask for your password, not hers. If this doesn't help please tell me, as I'm in the same account conundrum as you.

Open itunes store, Click on App store, then click on any free app. When it pops up, click 'get app'. When prompted, click 'create a new account'. Use an email address you haven't used for any itunes account. Also By choosing a free app, you get the "none" option for credit cards on the payment page. Do select 'none'. Then you can download all the free stuff on itunes.i'm not sure how to transfer your stepmpms itunes to your iphone without her password.

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