How to get my music from old iPhone to new iPhone?
Can anyone explain to me how exactly you transfer all your music from an old iPhone to a new one? I thought it was as simple as connecting my new iPhone to my laptop where I have my iTunes uploaded but unfortunately it was not
Make a apple ID (if you don't have one) and then get iCloud. Use iCloud to transfer your music to your new iPhone. It will explain itself.
Plug your iphone into your itunes on your computer Transfer everything from your iphone to your computer and then transfer everything to your new iphone it's easy and simple just open up your itunes on your computer plug up your phone and press transfer and then when you finish sync all your music to new iphone
Look up ipod/iphone music transfer software.
You can transfer music from old iPhone to computer, and then sync them to new iPhone.
you can refer to this guide for how to transfer music form iPhone to computer.
- If I get a new phone will all of my music from apple music be deleted? I have a membership for apple music. I know that if you fail to pay, your membership will be deactivated and you'll lose all of your music. I'm planning on getting a new iphone, if I login to apple music on it, will I still have all of my saved artists, songs, playlists, ect? (I will continue paying it on my new phone as well)
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