How to log out on an apple device?
How do I log out of yahoo answers/yahoo mail on an iPhone/iPad/iPod? By the way thanks in advance.
Go to Settings>Mail, contacts, calendar>under ACCOUNTS find the email you want to log out of and on the bottom is a red button that says DELETE ACCOUNT and thats pretty much how you "log out" of it since there's no other way.
- Would you get a notification on your iPhone if your Apple ID was used to log into another device? I'm unsure if I have unknowingly given my Apple ID to a scammer in the past, but I curious would I have received a notifcation on my iPhone, in a form of a text or pop up? I've heard that before and I wanted to make sure. Even if you didn't have two-factor authentication on.
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- How do you stop calls coming from one device coming to your device from iCloud (apple iPhone)? I'm 13 and i don't have a credit card so i use my mums account and since my phone and her phone has the same icloud, her calls come into MY phone and i've tried making a new apple id but it won't work so how can i stop it (i've already logged out on my phone) so how can i stop it?