How to recover something from the notes on my iPhone?
I was at work putting in my hours on my time card from my iphone (I keep them in there on my notes app because my job has me moving around a lot so every few weeks I go in and fill out my timecard). And as I scrolled up to see more of my hours I kept accidentally highlighting the whole page of notes, i.e. All of my hours, and then I must have accidentally pressed the paste button because something I copied and pasted months ago came up and replaced all of my hours. I looked for an undo button and I found none, but then I remembered the icloud so I went home and looked on both my macbook and ipad in the notes and both had already been replaced/updated by the new text! I tried the shaking thing to undo the paste but it was too late… Please help me or I won't be fairly paid for three weeks worth of work!
Have your try sync your Iphone in Itunes and check "Info" menu? If you didn't deleted or made really major changes. It might be there. Not one hundred percent.
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