How do I unlock this iPhone 8?

At the airport during security, this old woman's iphone was going through and I have a bad flip phone so before the woman saw, I grabbed the iPhone and ran away and she didn't see me so now I'm trying to unlock it so I can have it. How do you unlock a iPhone with a passcode? I'm trying to factory reset it so she can't track it

Assuming it is set up properly, you don't. If you reset the phone, it will immediately reach back out to apple server's during activiation and tie right back to her appleid. Or, if it is a work phone, most likely it is part of the DEP program. Which instantly rejoins the phone to the businesses remote management.
But hey, good job, you have a paperweight.

It's simply not possible to unlock it. Even if you managed to reset it, it will still require a password known as "cloud locked".


You don't, you give it back and apologize, i would stop stealing before you end up in jail over it

You suck.

Lmao wtf did I just read. So you basically stole someone's phone?

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