How do you know if your iPhone has a GSM or CDMA module?

How do you know if your iPhone has a GSM or CDMA module?

The easiest way is what provider did you buy the phone from or for.

If you bought it from Apple for an AT&T or t-mobile contract then you have gsm. If you bought it for sprint then it has cdma. Sprint might also have gsm but when people were looking to buy a sim-free phone before it was available, everyone said to buy it from Verizon. No one mentioned that sprint version was sim-free. If it's for Verizon if the sim-free version then it has both.

You can look at the model. Go to settings - about, then scroll down to model. Go online and search the model number.

If you still have the box, read the back. It'll say gsm and/or cdma. Near the bottom, it'll also say the model #. Search for it on the internet.

By which carrier it is connected to. Sprint and Verizon are CDMA, AT&T and T-Mobile are GSM.

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