How hard is it to be a computer repair technician?

I was wondering because all I ever do is google the problem (always able to and fix computers for family all the time) and can repair computers easily. Is being a computer repair techinician that hard or is it just like what I do for my family? I'm doing this from my iphone sorry for any mess ups or none capitalizations. Just wondering since I want to get a job and I'm currently in college for game design (with some networking already done to)

Its easy.

But you need to be very good at fixing problems!

Well, in order to be proficient to the point of gaining any notoriety, you must know a lot about hardware and software, but of equal import is to be able to talk to people and know intuitively what problem they have, and how it relates to the technical reality.
Folks that resort to 'pro' help very often only know that it's not behaving like they think it should, yet don't think to note, and then relate, preceding misbehavior that may hold the key to a fast solution.
If you don't have the omnipotent know-how for all phases of computer fixes, you at least should know where to find beneficial advice.
It's a double edged sword: some cases are mysteries and fun to fix; some are DOA cases beyond help, but you may spend hours looking into alternate solutions nonetheless.
Knowing when to throw in the towel becomes a stark reality in many cases.

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