How is GB and MB used on AT&T?
So today i got the iphone and i have 3GB in data, but i'm not sure how it works… Is it everyone minute is 1 MB, Is it one tape on something Is 1KB? I don't understand! Someone Please Help! Its my first smart phone
this is the formula they use
They are units of measurement when it come to data. 8bits make 1byte. 1000 bytes make 1kilobyte (kb), 1000 kilobytes makes 1megabyte (mb), and 1000 megabytes make 1 gigabyte (gb). Everytime you download a webpage, song, video, or anything that involves internet you are using data. That data is measured in these measurments I mentioned. For example 1 song could add up to 5 megabytes. So if you download 200 song that are 5 megabytes then you will have used 1000 megabytes (mb) which is 1 gigabyte (gb). Do not go over though because at&t charges an arm and a leg for going over.
You really do not understand. I will try and answer as the others are trying.
In Decimal
Kilo is 1000 one thousand, equal to 1 Meg
Meg is 1000000 one Million and, equal to 1 Gig
Gig is 1000000000 one Billion and, equal to 1 Tera
Tera is 1000000000000 one Trillion and equal 1 Peta Quadrillion and so on
As far as computers are concerned they work in binary and not decimal (because they can only recognise the difference betwee 0 and 1
for example the nearest is 1024KB is equal to 1 Meg
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