How long do you think the iPhone X/8 Plus will be viable and fast phones?

I'm asking this because I recently upgraded to a plus and plan on keeping it for atleast 2 years. The upgrades apple pushes out always makes even year old phones outdated and not good anymore so I wanted opinions from others.

I saw a gadget advice show yesterday (I was passively watching so have no idea what show it was). The guru said phone tech development is slowing down now, that buying a year old phone is becoming a more viable option. In the case of Apple, he said 2yr old phones are OK.

these updates they come out with may just be gimmicks.

I have the same Samsung from 2016. It's slowing down from clutter. I need to reset it to speed it back up. But I can't imagine chucking it out to justify buying another.

A word of caution: I'm GenX. As young adults we realized what waste our Baby Boomer parents were guilty of. Tiny babies in strollers right now ar going to have a lot to say to you when they are teenagers and realize how much Millennial tech is in the land fills.

(I'm assuming you're young. Maybe you're my age.)

ps… I'm also one who kept the same LG flip phone (it was a brick I loved it) from 2006 to 2016 and only swapped out to a smart phone because the hinge was loose and connecting to the phone network was finally lagging.So… Maybe my POV is not what you are looking for.

"The upgrades apple pushes out always makes even year old phones outdated and not good anymore"

--Um no they don't. One of Apple's 'problems' these days is that people are not upgrading their phones as much these days. Apple makes it an easier decision to make since they easily provide the best after launch support in terms of OS updates of any smartphone OEM.

Those phones should be good for at least 3/4 years I guess, but in terms of receiving iOS updates, assuming Apple keep up their trends, it'll be 5/6 years.