How long does an iPhone 3GS last?
I just bought a used iPhone 3GS on eBay but it was never touched to much. Used for atleast 4-5days.
I was wondering how long does the iPhone 3GS last? Also including the location services off, Wi-Fi off, having 3G on(well i didn't order 3G internet), and turned off all the apps.
BQ: How long does it take to charge a 1-10% battery till full.
Talk time: Up to 5 hours on 3G, up to 12 hours on 2G
Standby time: Up to 300 hours ( All services etc.switched off.)
Internet use: Up to 5 hours on 3G, up to 9 hours on Wi-Fi
Video playback: Up to 10 hours
Audio playback: Up to 30 hours
Charge time: 2 Hours on Pc/Mac, 1 and1/2 hour on wall socket.
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- How long does your iPhone battery last? In your answer please state which iPhone model you use, which iOS version it's on, and your usage and standby times (look in settings, general, usage). I have the iPhone 4 on iOS 5.1 and I get about 6 hours usage and 2 days 5 hours standby.