How many photos can i store on my phone?

How many photos can I store on a 128gb phone, its the iPhone 6s, I'm not tech savvy so please explain in simple words.

If you want to take a ton of photos, sync your pictures with google photos, it will save all photos and videos, so when your storage gets full, just delete the photos from your device, and they'll be safely saved to google photos.

It depends on a TON of factors, there's no "answer" to your question. At least 1, and as many as 50000. The real number depends on resolution, what apps you have etc.

It depends on how much free (unused) bits of memory you have left of the 128GB. Let's suppose that you have 100GB of unused memory on your iPhone. If ever photo you store on that iPhone was just about 1MB, you could potentially store 100,000 photos. If every photo was just about 2 MB, you could potentially store 50,000 photos. If every photo was just about 5 MB, you could potentially store 20,000 photos.

Be aware that I've used the GB = 1000 MB measurement (base-10). There's also another measurement system for data storage based on the base-2 system. You can learn more about the differences between the base-10 and base-2 systems here:

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