How many video games do you own?

Taking a poll for my statistics class, and I figured this would work.

How many video games do you own?

Anything like Farmville or any iPhone/Facebook app do not count.

I own 4 lol: D but they are all online.

20 PC games.
26 PS3 games.
48 PS2 games.
2 PS1 games.
12 SNES games.

108 total.

How many? Challenge accepted!… A lot.

35 Xbox 360: U
40 N64
15 PS1
10 PC Not including MMOs: U

1. Mw3:3 trololol

Oh man, probably somewhere between 80-100. I'm trying to build up a small collection right now. I own a gamecube, wii, ps2, ps3, n64, gameboy, dsi, 3ds, psp. Just did a count, including those systems as well as my pc, I own 102 games.

119… Just counted them all and was surprised. They are PS1, PS2, PS3, XBOX, XBOX360, NDS, GBA, NGC, N64, NES, and PSP games.

4 games