How much does an iPhone 3 and an iPhone 4 cost these days?

I want a new phone, but don't want to pay too much money for an iPhone 5, so how much would one of these cost?

Added (1). Sorry i'm not really good with this stuff, but what does being in a contract actually mean when buying an iPhone does it mean anything if i want to be in pre-paid?

With a new two-year contract an iPhone 4 is free.
IPhone 3GS is no longer in production anymore.

I suggest going for a iPhone 4 if you are up for renewing your contract then it shouldn't cost much more than a 3 would because when the 5 came out prices dropped dramatically. phones & devices/

IPhone 3 costs about 300 dollars but it depends on where you buy it!
iPhone 4 costs around 400 dollars but it depends on where you buy it too!

IPhone 3 is not coming right now and the iPhone 4 starts from 26000Rs.

I would suggest going for a completely different phone. Newer android phones are cheaper and have better hardware than the iphone 3g 3gs and 4 and 4s. Meaning the android phones are faster and have more features

Approximate price of iphone is 26000. But i think you have to wait for some time and have to buy new iphone.

£319 from the Apple Store online for iphone 4 and $206.94 Apple iPhone 3GS 8GB

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