How much does Apple charge to repair my iPhone 4 screen?

I heard it wa about 100 dollars. Is that worth it, or should I just replace it and get a new iphone? Or is there any cheaper place for screen repairs?

Apple replace it for 100? Haha, try 2-300 at least.

I got the same *** problem

Yeah Mexico they'll fix it for 300 pesos and100 pesos for the screen. So its about 35 bucks

Google is a fantastic tool. There are way cheaper sites.ubreakifix is one, Use their 99 cent diagnostic service to find out exactly what you need, (probably just a new digitizer) and they will give you a quote. Probably more towards 80, you won't find it cheaper than that. The parts are 40 or 50 plus the labor.

Well these days all iphone owners have the same problem screen crack well apple store charge around 100-130 bucks which is the average price for this kind of fix ask me because i repair phone but i don't charge my customer that much bc its a rip off max you should pay is around 80 to get it fix find a repair shop in your area there's tone of them

i usually charge 75 for screen crack in my area

100 dollars is the original one, there's some cheaper one, ask for about 50$

Take it to apple. There are chances that they say its irreparable and hand you a new one.