How much does the iphone 5 in Los Angeles?
I'm from mexico and in January I will go to Los Angeles would like to know how much it costs the iphone 5 in Los Angeles and stores for shopping?
IPhone 5 Sale: Best Buy Offering $50 Off All iPhones Through Jan. 5
The Huffington Post | By Jason Gilbert Posted: 12/10/2012 1:40 pm EST | Updated: 12/10/2012 1:40 pm EST
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Iphone 5 Sale
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Holiday shoppers, take note: Best Buy is now offering $50 off the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S with any two-year activation or contract extension with AT&T or Verizon.
The offer is valid both in stores and on the Best Buy website, for every storage option Apple offers for its iPhones.
The deal brings down the price of a 16GB iPhone 5 to $149, a 32GB iPhone 5 to $249 and a 64GB iPhone 5 to $349. The iPhone 4S now costs $49 for a 16GB model, $149 for 32GB and $249 for 64GB. The offer ends on Jan. 5, 2013.
For those who desire a non-Apple smartphone, Best Buy is also offering, through Tuesday, the Motorola Droid Razr Maxx for free on contract and the Galaxy S3 for $149, among others. Those offers are available here.
If it is an iPhone you're after, however, $50 off is a nice discount. You can check out the iPhone 5 deal on the Best Buy website here.
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