How much Internet can 100mb get me?
Hi there i'm 13 btw, i have the iphone 4s on 02 and one of my packages is 70mins 500texts and 100mb of data for 10 pound a month, I use FB For school alot while i'm there would 100mb last a month if i just used it for the facebook app?
A lot of
Pretty much but gigabytes are better if you use the internet very often
If you don't use Facebook a ton, you can get away with 100MB of data IF you don't use anything else that requires a data connection.
Probably not. I have 750mb but I use the Facebook, Instragram, twitter and Internet app and occasionally YouTube. I use all of it and sometimes go over slightly. You probably will use other apps than the Facebook so I would recommend trying to find more Internet.
I got a 500 mb add on recently on my smartphone and it only lasted around 3 weeks. I used it for just facebook, a couple of google searches and checking emails. So if you plan to use it a lot, it's not a lot.
- Will 100mb of data be enough for a iphone 4s? The apps I would be using with data are just twitter and instagram. No emails, no streaming videos or anything and Wi-Fi would be used at home so would that be enough data for a month? I don't tweet a lot, just refresh twitter very often.
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- Is 100mb iPhone 4s data plan enough? I'm looking into getting an iphone 4s and am wondering if 100mb of data is enough for me. I regularly check twitter and surf the internet. I would only go on youtube at home where this is wi-fi.