How much is an iPhone 4 with an upgrade? - 1
I have the 3GS and I don't have enough money to get an iPhone 5 and I was wondering how much money should I take with me to AT&T. I have AT&T by the way. I just need to know how much the phone is with the upgrade and if there's any charges to get an upgrade.
It costs how ever much it says on the bill after you buy it
Its free my brother has 4 i have the five and Kevin watch when i get my internet tomorrow I'm going to fry your router and see how long youll be offline
It's free but it's only 8gb of storage in it, they like discontinued the 16gb-64gb. If I were you, I'de put some money aside, day by day, little by little and soon enough you'll have enough money for the Iphone 4s, and if you wait a little longer, you'll be able to get the Iphone 5. You don't have to rush on these types of things, the Iphone 5 or 4s will always be at the At&T store, waiting for you.
Here's a little story.
Look outside your window. There's Hank. Hank has an iPhone 5. Hank doesn't have lots of money but is very patient. He saved his money up and got himself the phone when his upgrade came. Be Hank. Be patient, Save your money for the iPhone 5. Be like Hank.
Currently the iphone 4 itself is.99 cents. But you still have to pay for the plan, insurance, etc. And i'm pretty sure it comes with the upgrade, but if not then you can just buy the phone and upgrade it later.
However, I would suggest getting the iphone 4S. It's the same as the 4 except it has a much better camera, faster data, and Siri. Its $99 currently not including plan.
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