How much is my iPhone worth? - 1
I've been told upwards of $400 but I'm very doubtful. It's a 32gb IPhone 4 with minimal scratches to the phone and a crack just across the phone above the camera and is locked to the Vodafone network.
Probably about $300 unless you fix the crack (you can get that done at a few kiosks at malls) then it would be $400
I'd say around $200 to maybe $300 tops. Also depends on where you're selling it really.
You will have to fix the crack or greatly lower the price, no one is buying damaged hardware.
Plus iphone 4 is free with a 2 year contract, why would I buy your cracked old one instead of just doing a contract? Like anything its worth what a buyer will pay, people can say whatever they want but until you have an actual buyer it won't matter.
Honestly your iPhone is worth about $100 to 250. That would be with all the accessories and box. There are a few factors to consider as well. First where are you going to sell it? The above price is what you could sell it for in the States or Europe. You could get more for it if you had it factory unlocked and sold it in a another market besides Europe or the states. Say for instance, Brazil, Africa, South Asia. The only complications you would have with that is the shipping and payment.
You could also sell it to some of the websites that purchase them online but they have been dropping the prices on what they are willing to pay for the iPhone 4 because the iPhone 5 is out. Plus the fact that it has damage is going to take away from the value if you sell to sites like Gazelle.
My advice is to have it repaired, then factory unlocked on line then sell it to an individual. That will be your best bet. Check out this site it seems pretty informative on iPhones
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