How much money per month is required to run a happy family in india?

I'm 24 and iim thinking of getting married. What will be the requirements of a wife. Girls please answer. I want a decent life- with LCD, laptops, car, bike, AC, tablets, iphones, own home, children studying in best schools. Basically i want to fulfill every wish and need of my wife and kid. Guys serious answers please?

Dear kunal
There's no STANDARD to measure all this. Honestly, there's no end to materialistic achievements and comforts. It is an ongoing never ending cycle. Introspect and really think what you want… Give yourself more time and try to excel in whatever you love to excellence…

If you want to fulfil all the wishes then you really have to be Ambanis or Tatas or Birlas… Believe me even they have some luxuries in their dreams to be fulfilled.
Nonetheless, what you are asking is a relative question. It depends upon how demanding your wife and your children and even you are. What you have mentioned in your question can be bought and set up in about 6-7 lakhs. A decent flat will cost you around 30 lakhs minimum in a sub urban area. First get a good job and accumulate this money. See high paying jobs have their own responsibilities and you will get no time for family. If you are ready for that then search for a job that pays you at least 1 lakh per month.

You may require minimum Rs 50, 000/ excluding rent to achieve your ambition one by one in a phased manner. Prepare a long term financial planning after getting a good job/.

Understanding our requirment is endlesss, or family needs endless.

if i'm earning 10k per month then i will try to save 2000 per month for my kids and family.

instead spending first i will try to save and remaining 8k i will spend for luxurious life.

if i'm earning 10k then i will do shopping in normal shops if i'm earning good enough money then i will shop in big and i think in big.

so, please try to save and after that i try to spend. If you have no savings and please don't spend.