How much should i sell my iphone 3gs for? - 1
It has minor wear tear… There's a small crack on the back… Sim card tray is broken needs tape to be held down…16 gb… How much could i sell this for… How much will someone pay for this… You know what i mean…
With that much damage its not worth much at all. A small crack and tape needed isn't "minor wear and tear", no one is buying old versions that are that old unless they are great condition and working out of the box.
- I'm selling my 64GB iPhone 4S on ebay, how much should I sell it for? I got an 64GB 4S, I got it brand new from sprint a couple of weeks ago. I'm selling it with an gameboy case, the original 30 pin charger and dock connector and earbugs. I'm also selling it in the original box. I was planning to sell it for around $550. Its also in brand new condition. Do you think this is an good price to sell it for? Its also white too.
- How much should i sell my locked iPhone 4 Ok I have a new iPhone 4 used. BUT it is in good condition and now that i have lockd it, i'm wanting a new phone and is wondering how much do you guys think I should sell it for? I NEED A REASONABLE PRICE!
- How much should i sell my iphone for? - 1 So i want to sell my old IPhone 3G with 8gb. It has a few scrathes on the screen that are barely noticeable, otherwise it's in perfect condition. The thing is that the Wi-Fi doesn't work on it for some reasons.i've tried everything and it just doesn't see wifis.tht's basically why i got a new phone: P and also i'm selling it to a friend. So how much should i sell it to him for?
- How much should I sell my iPhone 4 for? - 2 I'm planning on buying the iPhone 5 and my aunt wants to buy my iPhone 4 for $50. I I personally think that's too cheap, but I want other opinions, and maybe what I should ask for. I bought a white iPhone 4 about 2 months ago, but about 2 weeks ago I got the phone replaced because a button on my old one broke. So the phone is in perfect condition, no scratches or anything.