How much will i get out of 500mb of internet a month with iphone 5?

How much will i get out of 500mb of internet a month with iphone 5?

Added (1). I'd be using facebook a lot, sometimes emails and occasionally websites like BBC

Hi this is just impossible to answer as we don't have a clue what you do with it.

Not much. Smart phones use up so much of internet without you even realizing. Especially iPhones! I would really recommend going on a bigger plan because all you have to do is go on YouTube for about an hour and your plan is expired. What if you want to post that one picture on Instagram? BAM! $100.

Like what ~xoxo~ said. It's better to get unlimited internet, because you'd use up the 500mb way too fast.

You will easily go over that as iPhone updates its self every day and website take up a lot of mb get all you can eat data so you won't worry when 500 mb goes out quickly because it will trusts me i've had experience

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