How much would a family iPhone plan cost?

My family is due for an upgrade soon. Its me, my sister, my mom, and my brother. My mom and brother already have iPhone (4th gen. I think. The one before last.) and my sister will be getting one for sure. How much would the family plan cost if i wanted one too? All 4th generations. And how much would it cost if the three of them had iPhones and i had a regular phone? Also, i'm talking about with unlimited data for the iPhones. Thank you! If you need more information say so and i'll add it in. That way it can be more clear to others.

Can't answer because we don't know what carrier you are using or what country you are using?

I pay about $270 per month for 5 iphones. I do not have unlimited data. We have the middle plan and have never exceeded our limits and we use it a lot.

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