How much years until the iPhone 5 will be free?
I want another iPhone because I have had my iPhone 4 for the longest time. How much years do you think until the iPhone 5 will be free just like the iPhone 4? I really want to know because I'm already saving just in case it never does, and/or the shipping would cost me.
Is it really free if you're paying a $100+ monthly bill? I don't think so.
For the record the iPhone 4 is not entirely free. Yes the phone itself is free but you have to take the 2 year contract & sign the other fees involved.
Anyway about the iPhone 5, assuming Apple sticks the selling plan they have now, next year after the 8th iPhone is released the iPhone 5 would be the 'free' one.
2013 (before the next iPhone) - iPhone 4 (free), iPhone 4S ($99), iPhone 5 ($199, 299, 399)
2013 (after the next iPhone) - iPhone 4S (free), iPhone 5 ($99), iPhone 5S* ($199, 299, 399)
2014 (after that year's iPhone) - iPhone 5 (free), iPhone 5S ($99), iPhone 6* ($199, 299, 399)
*assumed names
"How much years"? Stay in school.
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