How of you make gifs on your iphone out of a YouTube video?
Hi just wondering how to make an animated gif out of a YouTube video form my phone, the gif will be 15 seconds but the video is 5 min
1. Navigate in your Web browser to YouTube. Search for and begin playing the video that you want to make a GIF file from. Press the Pause button at the bottom of the video player window to stop playback when you find the image that you want to capture.
2. Press the "Prt Sc" or "Print Screen" key. Windows saves the contents of the screen to the clipboard.
3. Open the Start menu, and type "Paint" in the search field at the bottom. Click the "Paint" icon when it appears under "Programs" on the results list.
4. Click the "Home" tab at the top of the Paint window, then click the "Paste" button on the left side of the "Clipboard" section of the menu bar. The image from YouTube appears in the window.
5. Click the "Select" button in the "Image" section of the menu bar.
6. Position the mouse cursor over the upper-left corner of the YouTube image. Click the hold the mouse button while dragging the cursor down and right to create an outline around the image. Release the mouse button.
7. Click the "Crop" button next to the "Select" button. Paint creates a new image using the area you selected in step six.
8. Click the floppy disk button at the top of the window.
9. Use the file navigation window to browse to the folder on your computer where you want to save the image, and type a name in the "File name" field.
10. Click the drop-down menu next to "Save as Type," and select "GIF" or another image format.
11. Click the "Save" button to save the image.
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