How to buy an unblocked iphone 6?

How do I buy an unblocked iphone 6?

Added (1). would i buy it through t-mobile, since that's contract free?

Added (2). i know it's going to be expensive and yes i'm buying it through apple.
my question really is: is the t-mobile contract free phone unblocked?

T-Mobile contract-free iPhone is only contract-free but it's not unlocked. Unlocked phone is the one getting from Apple and which is not for any particular carrier. If you need factory unlocked iPhone 6 without pay a load, mail me.

The best way would be through Apple directly. If you have $800. Even if you went through T-Mobile it would still be locked until it was paid off in full so you would not really save any money doing it that way.

You can only buy those from either eBay or from the Apple website. It's going to be very expensive either way.