How to correct my eyesight without glasses?

I have an iPhone 5s and recently I've noticed I've been on it quite a lot and my friend told me IIm developing a squint or a lazy eye when I was a little baby I also had a lazy eye and my vision has become terrible because wen I look at letters it becomes 3D more like and I don't want glasses do I stay off my phone?

The longer you go with out glasses the worse this is going to get. I had to wear glasses when I was little but then they got corrected. Now that i'm much older, i notice i'm having eye issues again.

another thing you can do for this is, turn the screen brightness down,

exercises you can do it, take a paper and write 5-10 dots about an inch a part. Close the good eye and hold the paper up to the bridge of your nose, one by one look at the dot, then down to the next and the next. Do this for 10 minutes a day a couple of times a week. This will strengthen the lazy eye issue.

as for the light issue, that's a worse problem that you will need glasses for.

Laser Eye surgery when you get older.

Get Contacts, its really not a big deal to have that or glasses, unless you a "professional of that sort".

You don't magically fix it by eating wheaties. You need glasses or contacts or lazer surgey.

A question seen in this Optical section often…

Things that DO NOT help fix most focus problems in the eye such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.
Special exercises or "methods" or "palming" or "systems"
"Natural Cures"
"Yoga" for vision
Pinhole glasses
Foods and vitamins
Sea cod liver oil
Sunshine exposure
Eye patches
"Looking far away"
Avoiding the use of prescribed glasses
"Not using eyes"

NOTE: if exercises worked for correcting refractive focus errors of the eye - we would all know people doing them - and fewer people would be wearing glasses

Things that protect vision over the long haul of your life
Staying fit and active may protect the retina
Wearing hat and quality sunglasses when in the sun
Well balanced diet - with lots of fruit & veggies
Regular eye exams

Proven things to correct focus errors of the eye
Prescription eyeglasses - while wearing them
Contact lenses - while wearing them
Lasik type surgery - for adults
Implanted ocular lenses

This is not taught in optometry school.

You can't

Enhance Your Nutrition: Poor diet choices especially during winter have an awful effect on eye health. Make sure you include plenty of leafy green vegetables, various fruits, and omega -3 fatty acids in your diet that helps you to reduce the risk of dry eyes, glaucoma and more.

Rest Your Eyes: Take a break for every 20 minutes when you sit in front of a computer at work. Providing frequent rest to your eyes helps you to improve your vision and relieve computer vision syndrome. You can also achieve 20/20 vision for your precious eyes.

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