How to create an app for android or iphone, is it costly?
I know what type of app I want and what it will consist of I just don't know how to create it and get it out there.
For Iphone:
You need to learn how to program in Objective-C
When it's done you need a Mac (any kind) and download X-code in which you will program your software.
It costs 99$ for a developer license and Apple take a % of the revenue (don't remember how much)
For Android:
You need to learn Java for this one and then download a Java IDE like Netbeans.
Then you launch it on google play and google takes a share like apple!
It costs more time than money
I can help you to develop your app, let me have more info about it, so I can give you a rough estimate of how much would cost you.look for Juan I Chavez @ the app store
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