How to delete an album from an iphone 4?

I plugged in my phone and put the album I made onto it through itunes but it automatically made another album with the exact same pictures. So i now have 3 albums- my camera roll, (which i want to stay) a photo library album, and the album i made to put on my phone. The photo library and album i made have the exact same pics so i have all the same pics twice? How can i delete on of the albums? I tried putting the album i made on again but it did the dame thing and game me two albums with the same pics

You have to slide the pic then it will say delete picture and click yes

Pick me as best awnser please!

Slide the right side ofthe album and it should say delete

To delete an album on your iPhone:
1) go to your photo albums
2) Click on the edit button in the top right corner
3) Click on the red button so it's vertical then it'll delete the album you don't want * you can only delete one at time using this method**