How to delete pics from your iPhone forever?
How do I delete pics from the iPhone 4S forever? Does it have a hard drive and if so how can I delete the pics from it?
Just go to your pictured and press edit and erase them. But if its been backed up to iTunes then you can delete backup also or else if you plug your phone to your pc then iTunes will.bring everything back
Do delete back
In iTunes > Preferences (Windows: Edit > Preferences) > Devices > mark your backup and click the delete button.
As you may already know that there are a lot of free and commercial "LongPathTool"programs available on the internet. You may wonder how those "LongPathTool" programs can magically bring back deleted files. Well, that's not really a magic at all. When you empty recycle bin in order to permanently remove deleted files from your hard disk, Windows does not actually remove them. Instead, for performance reason, Windows simply mark the location of deleted files on hard disk as unoccupied and reserve them for future writing. Hence, until Windows decide to write a new data at the same location of deleted files, those files are theoretically still exists in hard disk. If you want to recover deleted file from harddisk, simply scan through all unoccupied areas in your harddisk and try to find data that match the profile of file that you're looking for. When you find them, write those data into a new file. This is how an "LongPathTool" program works.
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