How to downgrade iphone 3gs baseband 05.16.05 to 05.16.02?
I use iclarified to jailbreak and unlock my iphone as I feel I can trust them. I have successfully jailbroken my iphone but I can't unlock it because you need a baseband of 05.16.02 or lower. How can I downgrade my baseband? I do not want to upgrade my baseband to 06.15.00.
You can't.same with most system updates.once you update it, the lower version disappears.
You can Unlock I-phone 3GS without downgrade the Phone… You can get Remote Unlock service from the site and Unlock I-phone 3gs easily… It's simple and easy way.
- Updating baseband on iphone 3gs? I jailbroke my phone, and everything worked fine, now i'm trying to update the baseband so I can unlock the sim. Does anyone have a good site or know how to update the baseband? I'm at 05.16.05 right now and I need to be at 06.15.00.
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