How to downgrade iPhone 4S to iOS 5.1.1 from iOS 6?

I would like to downgrade iPhone 4S with the following information I had on my phone:
- Never jailbroken before when on iOS 5.1.1
- Never save SHSH blobs at all

Any idea how?

I had also an iPhone 4 but I have the SHSH blobs for 5.1.1, can I use that to downgrade my iPhone 4S? If no, why?

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You can try restoring it, but honestly apple makes all the iPhones so that when they come packaged, they are fixed at whatever software was put in them in china. Restoring it will only set it back to what it originally was. If you want that software, you can buy an iPhone 4 from eBay or amazon

Sorry to say, but you can't downgrade it. I've tried many times. Although you may be able to by restoring your phone in your settings BUT that will erase everything on your phone

Restore should set it back to factory.