How to download songs from computer to iPhone free?
How can i download songs from computer to iPhone free?
You obviously didn't research enough…
i buy music thats not available.
Download utorrent and search up music you want on kickasstorents( then click download torrent and double click the torrent you just downloaded and it will install via the utorrent client and then you can add the file to itunes library.
Edit: You also want to make sure they're mp3s
You are asking two questions, how to download, then how to get what you download onto your iPod.
The second is with iTunes, that is free to use for content you already have in MP3 or can convert to MP3 or AAC.
To download from the Internet, and not be pirating it (that is against Y! A rules to discuss), you need to buy individual tracks or albums, at least that is the way it is for most commercial music. Torrents or other "free" methods are simply piracy.
If you want free, and not be pirating, you need to use a streaming service, or just get a radio.
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