How to fix iphone stuck on homescreen?

I jailbroke my iphone 3g and tried downloading something, afterwards, it told me to reload springboard. After it turned back on again, it is stuck on the home lock screen and keeps reloading that screen but won't let me open it? I've tried pressing the home and power button at the same time to force shutdown but when i switch it on again it's still the same.i've tried syncing it to itunes but it still didn't work. Please help!

Added (1). I have tried holding down the on/off button and home button already, but when i switch it back on, the same thing still happens, any other suggestions?

Hold on/off button at same time as the home button until it switches off!

You need to put your iPhone in DFU mode. Hold down the home and power buttons until the screen turns black. Let go of the power and keep holding the home button.iTunes will then pick up the iPhone. Restore to 6.0.1 (you can download a 6.0.1 ipsw from UnlockBoot). Jailbreak with Redsn0w then unlock with ultrasn0w.

Keep holding the on/off button until it restarts

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