How to fix my iphone? - 1

My iphone has been dropped from table and after that its not starting up. If I connect it to charger only apple logo appears and gets stuck there. Sometimes the logo disappears with a red screen. This phone is out of apple service and I took it to a local mechanic. He said its a software problem but he couldn't fix it either. I tried hard reset but it didn't work. How can I fix this phone?

Take it in to apple store

You don't. Time to buy another, and this time buy a protective case for it.

If it was a software problem then it could be solved by restoring it. As the repair store couldn't repair it then it's most likely a hardware problem that is too difficult for them to fix.

Your options is to either go to an Apple Store and pay for them to look at it or buy another one.

Take it to an Apple Store.

If by "out of apple service" you mean the warranty has expired, that doesn't mean they wouldn't do anything with it. That just means you'd have to pay for their services.

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