How to get free gems in clash of clans?

I don't wanna use computer to get gems. My iphone is jailbroken, can you tell me how can i get gems from cydia or something else? Please stay away away away from survey!

Download app bounty, it gives you points whenever you get apps and the points go towards amazon and itunes cards which you can use to buy gems

Razza is true, but, computer hacks for iOS games are all FAKES.
No surveys on App Bounty. (Actually makes you download apps)
App Bounty can get you about 4k gems

  • How to get a lot off free gems in clash of clans? I have a iPhone 5s that's jail broken. Is there away to get unlimited gems? The hacks you download don't work.
  • How to do I get free gems for Clash of Clans with a jailbroken iPhone? I've downloaded gamegem in the cydia app store and I'm able to change my gems to 9999999 gems or whatever I like in airplane mode but when it re-connects to the COC server everything is lost because it is out of sync. Is there any way to keep those gems that I hacked? Or any other way to do this that works better?
  • How to: Clash of Clans Free Gems? Clash of Clans is my favorite game, and I need some clash of clans free gems to level up quicker. I'm not looking for a hack method, I want something like freemyapps but quicker. I really need clash of clans free gems to updrade my town hall, and to raid quicker (to finish my troops faster). Thanks, please let me know how can I get some clash of clans free gems.
  • GUIDE clash of clans free gems? 1.Visit on your iOS device (iPhone or iPad) 2. Install Appbounty profile. 3. Complete atleast one offer. Wait for a while then visit appbounty again once you have enough points you can get 10/20/50$ worth of gems on clash of clans.