How to get free gift cards for amazon, from your Iphone, know any others?
I know of one program, but are there any others that actually work with a fast turn around like this one?
You can use this program, it's got a faster turn around then any of the one's I have tried. Within a week I got a 25 dollar gift card for amazon.
It's only for Iphone, will be for droid soon though!
Download free apps run them 30 secs get the credits and cash in the points for gift cards. I'm looking for more programs like this, apptrailers is to slow.
The best way to get iphone us here:
A similar website is! It works also for UK and German accounts.
Download apps and get rewards, quite easy!
or Juno, but that s real scam!
Try AppBounty. I just found it and it works really well. You just have to download apps on your phone. I saw it in a review and it works like a charm. Here's a link to the review. You should give it a try!
- What iPhone/ iPod apps get you free amazon gift cards? I use Checkpoints, Mpoints, Feature Points, ReceiptPal, Receipt Hog, JunoWallet, Points2Shop, Swag Bucks and InstaGC. If anyone knows of any other ones. Please let me know.
- What apps can I get on my iPhone to get free iTunes gift cards? For example, I already have on my iPhone Bamboo Wallet (Juno Wallet is the same thing) and AppJoy+. Are there any other apps like this that I can do things to earn free iTunes gift cards? I have also tried App Trailers, but my "account was blocked for strange activity". Don't know what that was about.
- This is A Good Way To Get Money and ITunes Gift Cards? 1.) DOWNLOAD APP TRAILERS (iPhone and andriod only) 2.) ENTER MY BONUS CODE kryater ( get a hundred points ) If someone says you can get more than 100 points there lying don't reward liars ( let's help each other.
- ITunes abroad? Will foreign gift cards work? I live in the uk and I'm soon going to get a iPhone 5, but in a few years I may live abroad, I'm not sure if I could still use the phone properly, how would you change the Siri, is it possible to change the country in the settings but keep the language in English so I would still understand the home screen, can you still download English movies? If I somehow changed the country in settings would iTunes then allow me to use a gift card which is from the different country.