How to get iOS 6 emojis on go SMS pro?
I have a Samsung Galaxy S3 and I'm using go SMS pro because most of my friends have the iPhone, so how do I get iOS 6 emojis like they do?
Sorry it's available only for Apple products.
Emoji is not native to Android… You must hack it… And by the way, trash GO SMS… Use handcent SMS… Its so much better
1) Root the phone
2) Download these 2 rooted apps… Emoji font and Emoji Keyboard…
3) open Emoji Font app… Allow root access…
4) download Emoji Font…
5) backup existing system font…
6) Apply emoji font… App will want to reboot phone… Ok good.reboot
7) here is the difference between this method GO SMS Emoji and Handcent Emoji… The texting apps emoji ONLY work in the texting apps, but not in your email, not in your webbroser, not in facebook, not in twitter, not anywhere else in the phone… With this hack, you will SEE and be able to TYPE Emojis ANYWHERE ON THE PHONE… Its doesn't matter what app you are on… Or where on the internet you are… Just like iphones/ipods/ipads
8) enjoy
There's a plug in for go sms pro on the google play store that allows you to send emojis to iphone users
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