How to get IOS 7 look on iPhone 4 with IOS 6?

As the title I have an iphone 4 with ios 6 but I don't want to upgrade it to ios7 just gonna take a lot of time and so on, so I wonder if there's an app or something that will make the sms look like the ios 7? Btw i have jailbreak on it and so on.

You can update to iOS 7 on your iPhone 4 through iTunes.

Better thing would simply to be to take the time to update.

Short of a Winterboard theme there's nothing that could be done.

You should update with iTunes but if you don't want to do it you have the option of jailbreak will take you like 15 minutes and you can use themes to give your iPhone the look of iOS 7 just go on YouTube and YouTubed "how to jailbreak ios 6" there so many things you can do with a jailbreak but you have to know how to use it and it also void your warranty with Apple.

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