How to get paid apps for free in iphone?

My iphone is jailbroken n i had installous in it, but i was getting AIP not found error in installous so i tried to uninstall it and install it back again… But now when i try to install it from cydia from hackulous source, cydia crashes n i can't get installous back… Is there any other way to get it back or any other option like installous where i can get all paid apps for free… Ll really appreciate your help n thanks for replying.

Installous has gone permanently offline. It went down last week, on the last day of 2012, December 31st, Apple shut it down, it was all over the news.

There are a lot of alternatives to it that have been around for as long as Installous has been around, what I recommend is AppCake ( because it is just as good as Installous but just not as popular:

For installation of appcake Open Cydia and go to Manage => Sources => Edit => Add => Type and tap Add. Now search for AppCake and Install. You have the option of choosing AppCake HD for iPad and normal AppCake for iPhone and iPod.

Wow I wouldn't mess with that. The reason you use the appstore is because everything is validated and its virus free that way. Thats why iphones have no viruses, downloading elsewhere and doing stuff like that is a way to get into problems

The Hackulous shut down read this article:

Here some alternatives for Installous:

After searching for hours finally i found the best alternative to installous. It's called vshare it is a little bit hard to install but you can go here and figure it out