How to get parents' trust and phone back?

I'm a freshman and in April I got my phone taken for numerous reasons. It's now December and I really want it back. Everytime i mention it they shut down the conversation and they are really strict. Now, I want a new iphone but in order for that to happen, I'm going to need to earn their trust and get my phone back. Keep in mind, I tried the whole do chores thing, and tried talking to them. What should I do?

I don't know man k man

You should ask your parents this question

You might already have their trust back. Maybe they'll give you one for Christmas? I don't know. Keep doing what you're doing and hope for the best!

You open your mouth, and ask them what you need to do to earn their trust again. No hinting, no whining, simply ask.

You live in the same house, you should not expect that doing chores that benefit the household is going to get you anything extra.

You can try apologizing if you think it can help