How to get photos onto computer from iPhone?
I'm out of memory on my stupid iPhone. I don't have a Mac or an iPad- I have a windows PC laptop. I don't want to delete my pictures- I just want to get them onto my computer so I can delete them from my phone and free up some space. How do I do this?
You have 2 options.
1.go onto the apple website and install photo stream.once you have this enable photostream from your settings and all you photos will automaticly go onto your pc as you take any pictures anywhere if you have Wi-Fi or intertnet. Then just create a folder and drag all the pictures from your photo stream into it to save them all to your pc then feel free to delete them of your phone as they are in your saved folder in your pc files.
2.connect your usb to your phone wait a min or 2 and go into your documents.
(on wind 7) on the bottem left of the document screen it should say apple that then open up all the folders and select them all and place them in a folder on your computer for a safe backup. Then delete them of your phone.
Hope i helped
Set up iCloud on you phone and iTunes on you pc
Plug your phone into the computer with no open programs on the computer. Your photo program on the computer will pop up giving you the option to import photos. Choose import… Not import delete. Do not delete photos from phone till you know your pictures imported properly to the computer.
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