How to get rid off scotch tape residue on the iphone plastic case?

How to get rid off scotch tape residue on the iphone plastic case?

Spray hair spray on a tissue & wipe it off.

Alcohol pads

Alcohol… Wd-40 will leave residue, alcohol won't.

WD-40. Hair spray is a lacquer and will make it worse and alcohol will work but not as good as WD-40. Spray a paper towel with it, NOT the phone. Dab it on and wait 5-10 minutes before trying to remove.

Just buy a small container of Goo Be gone. It will dissolve it and this stuff is great. It is safe, no stain, use on plastic, glass, ceramic, etc. Jo Ann

Methylated spirits.

Whatever you try, do not spray it directly on the case. Put some on a rag or paper towel and gently rub the adhesive.