How to get videos from my laptop to iphone?

I have a windows meadia file from movie maker and its too large to email it?

Connect the iphone to the laptop and open the iphone folder and drag what you want from the laptop folder to the iphone folder.

If it's a windows media file it's probably a.wmv file type. I don't believe iOS devices or any Apple devices for that matter plays any windows media files.

You will have to first get it converted into a format that your iPhone can read (.mp4).

It's possible that you can just plug the iPhone into your computer, open it's DCIM folder and paste it in there, but I haven't tried that. The guaranteed way to make it work is to add that video into iTunes and sync it over to the iPhone.

Video from windows movie maker is in wmv video format. You have to convert it to mp4 format for putting on iPhone. You can follow this step by step guide to convert and sync the video to your iPhone, it's easy to understand and works pretty well for me.