How to improve my iPhone 4S battery? It last less than a day on full charge
How can I improve my iPhone 4S battery? It last less than a day on full charge?
If you play games try not to it uses up a lot of the battery and stay of the Internet and turning your brightness down on settings saves a lot of battery.
Try not using the screen brightness all the way up, also delete apps that you never use because even if your not using them they are running and wasting battery also, a major app that causes lots of battery loss is Facebook, so you might have to disable it if really needed.
Stop using it so much. The more you're touching the screen the more it's draining the battery. Stop playing games and sharing pics on facebook, and go play in the big blue room.
Charge it for just the amount of time it takes to get a full battery. Don't leave it on the charger for too long and DON'T leave it on the charger overnight. I made that mistake with my iPod touch and my battery sucks now. Keep doing that and it should get a bit better. I don't know if it will improve it a whole lot, but it should keep it from getting worse.
Turn the brightness down and if you need it for important things don't play games on it… Otherwise bring a charger with you.
Turn off Bluetooth (security risk), turn Wi-Fi off when not using it, don't play 3D games or run apps that use a lot of resources, close all background apps when they are not being used, don't let your device push mail, disable unneeded notifications, limit the vibration of the phone. And let it nearly die and then fully charge it once a month to calibrate the battery.
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