How to know if my iphone 5 is factory unlocked?
I need to know if my iphone 5 is factory unlocked because I would like to update it.
What is a safe website which tells if it's FACTORY unlocked without having to pay or sign up?
You can check lock status for free here:
Check another sim card.
You can try t-mobile sim card, if your iPhone 5 can make call then it's factory unlocked.
- Will an unlocked iphone 4S work for tmobile if it isn't factory unlocked? I want to get an iPhone 4S and my friend has the iPhone 4 unlocked but i'm worried that if i get it non-factory unlocked it won't work. My uncle tried to do it a couple of months ago and apple said that if it was factory unlocked every time the phone shut off or died it would reset. I was just wondering if the same thing would happen if it wasn't factory unlocked? So if I get it unlocked everytime it will shut off it will reset? That is what i'm worried about.
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- Verizon's iphone 5 or factory unlocked iphone 5? - 1 Verizon gives iphone 5 at 199$ and the factory unlocked iphone 5 costs 649 $. the verizon's iphone is already unlocked too. so, why should anyone by an iphone for 649$ when its available for much cheaper rate as 199$? i'm from india, so if i could buy one of these and bring back to india, would i be able to use it in one our networks? So what if i put in a new sim card or use it out of the country?