How to know the call duration in Iphone 4s?
I started using a new iphone 4s now. I was using a Nokia E71 for the last three-and-a-half years. In my Nokia E71, when a call ends, it automatically pops up showing "Call duration 4:37 minutes" or whatever minutes because there's an option called "Summary after call", that you can turn on. This nice feature is not seen in iphone. And in E71, there are 3 different titles in call log namely, Missed calls, Received calls and Dialled numbers, where as in iphone there are only two titles namely "All calls" and "Missed calls" and you have to tap the blue arrow on the right side to know whether it is a received call or made call, which is really a over burden to do. Moreover Iphone doesn't show the exact seconds of a call and instead shows 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes etc. These all are pretty bad things. Does anybody know how I can set the automatic call duration after each and every call like in my Nokia E71?
You go to the phone app than click recents after that you click on the blue arrow and then it will tell you
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