How to lock my app and hide it?
Sometimes my dad will say oh, jake can i check your phone (the app is instagram) if you know on the iphone if you hold the bottom button like how you exit or get out of something if you put and app over and app it makes a box and you can name it. I want on like that and when you click on it it will be a spin the wheel game and you know on safes how you put your finger on it and you just chose your number like that. Please i really need and app and please try to find a free one thank you so much!
You might have to jailbreak your phone to do that stuff
He shouldnt even be going trhough your phone in the first place… Its your privacy and everyone needs to have at least some. I'm guessing youre 16? If you are you definatley don't need phone checks from your dad. And i don't think there's something that can block an app…
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